Saturday, July 27, 2024

Breaking Island News

Pacific Ocean: A New Island is Born after Spectacular Volcanic Eruption in Tonga

Volcanic Eruption in Tonga - Photo Courtesy of AP Photo / Military of Foreign Affairs Tonga

A large volcanic eruption in the Pacific region has produced a brand new island, located approximately 70 kilometers to the north-west of Tongan capital, Nuku’alofa.

Volcanic Eruption in Tonga – Photo Courtesy of AP Photo / Military of Foreign Affairs Tonga

A volatile volcano has presented the Pacific island Kingdom …Read More: Pacific Ocean: A New Island is Born after Spectacular Volcanic Eruption in Tonga

Breaking Island News

Japan: An Island is Born – New Volcanic Island Continues to Grow and Grow

Snoopy Island, Japan - Photo courtesty of

The world’s newest island, Nishino-Shima, now boasts another impressive title: that of the world’s fastest growing island. Private Island News takes a look at the latest developments

Snoopy Island, Japan – Photo courtesty of

Back in November 2013, Private Island News reported on the birth of a brand new island …Read More: Japan: An Island is Born – New Volcanic Island Continues to Grow and Grow

Island Issues

Japan: Huge Volcanic Eruption Triggers Creation of New Island in Pacific Ocean

Volcanic Eruption in Japan - Courtesy of Yahoo News

A huge volcanic eruption has created a new island in Japan’s Ogasawara Archipelago, just short of 1,000 km to the south of Tokyo.

Volcanic Eruption in Japan – Courtesy of Yahoo News

Located in the Ogasawara Archipelago, some 1000 km to the south of Tokyo, the 200 meter diameter islet looks …Read More: Japan: Huge Volcanic Eruption Triggers Creation of New Island in Pacific Ocean

Breaking Island News

USA: Alaskan Volcano Island Threatens Asia-USA Flight Path

Found in the remote Aleutian Islands, the large volcanic island of Chuginadak has been signalling that it may erupt, potentially disrupting a main flight path for international airlines.

(Image Courtesy of the NASA Johnson …Read More: USA: Alaskan Volcano Island Threatens Asia-USA Flight Path