Friday, February 7, 2025

Island Checklist - Why this chapter?

Private islands can be divided into two classes:

  • Habitable islands: these are valuable islands which can be used, based on the fulfilment of certain criteria, for holiday purposes or longer stays.
  • Remote and uninhabitable islands.

Many private island owners use their islands for recreational purposes and sometimes experience different problems.

Thanks to these problems, it is possible to establish a checklist to see which islands are habitable and which are not. Certain locations are safe and therefore in demand. In these areas, almost every rock appearing out of the sea has been developed. On the other hand, there are areas which have many islands, most of which remain undeveloped.

Habitable Islands v Remote Islands

Habitable islands are naturally perfect for holidays. The most important criteria for habitable islands is the proximity of medical services (within 1 to 2 hours at most). In addition, factors such as means of communication, electricity, water, building materials, building permit, freehold title, moderate climate, no mosquitoes nor other dangerous animals and pleasant vegetation are all very significant – see the checklist.

Remote islands are mostly suited for real adventurers or investors, who simply buy and sell them. The prices of these islands rises for no particular reason, however, they eventually fall and the owner is then stuck with the property.

It is a completely unstable market.