Monday, September 16, 2024

Island Market

USA: Football Star Searches for the Perfect Alaskan Private Island

America’s most northerly private islands have hit prime time with a reality television show, as a camera crew follows a football player and his wife looking for their dream home.

Buying Alaska featuring Jason Elam

Private islands are taking centre stage on the newest episode of the reality …Read More: USA: Football Star Searches for the Perfect Alaskan Private Island

Breaking Island News

USA: Alaskan Plans Year Alone on Remote Island

Within the frigid wilderness of America’s most northern state, one brave man is intending to strand himself on an uninhabited island and live like a hermit for a year.

(Latouche Island Historical Image)

For 17 years, oil company employee Charles Baird has harboured a usual dream; to strike out …Read More: USA: Alaskan Plans Year Alone on Remote Island

Breaking Island News

USA: Alaskan Volcano Island Threatens Asia-USA Flight Path

Found in the remote Aleutian Islands, the large volcanic island of Chuginadak has been signalling that it may erupt, potentially disrupting a main flight path for international airlines.

(Image Courtesy of the NASA Johnson …Read More: USA: Alaskan Volcano Island Threatens Asia-USA Flight Path


USA: After 230 Years, Alaskan Island Wins War against Rodents

Rodents may be a pest on the mainland, but on isolated islands, they can spell complete ecological disaster. Now, one Aleutian island celebrates a hard-won victory.

(Image Courtesy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)

…Read More: USA: After 230 Years, Alaskan Island Wins War against Rodents