Sunday, February 16, 2025

Governments buying Islands

Update: Governments and Conservancies Acquiring Private Islands Worldwide

Goat Island - Photo Courtesy of Mahone Islands Conservation Association

Following up on his recent letter about the future of the private island market, Farhad Vladi has provided Private Island News with a comprehensive list of private islands which have made their way into public hands.

Goat Island – Photo Courtesy of Mahone Islands Conservation Association

Hundreds of …Read More: Update: Governments and Conservancies Acquiring Private Islands Worldwide

Governments buying Islands

Canada: Private Island Owner Gives Island Away to Local Province

Goat Island - Photo Courtesy of Mahone Islands Conservation Association

The Mahone Islands Conservation Association is celebrating the protection of yet another private island, after Goat Island was donated to the province of Nova Scotia this month.

Former owners John McLennan and family chose to donate Goat Island to the Province of Nova Scotia for the benefit of future generations The donation of the …Read More: Canada: Private Island Owner Gives Island Away to Local Province


New Zealand: Conservationists Transform Private Island into Unique Wildlife Experiment

Rotoroa Island - Photo Courtesy of

A private island in New Zealand’s Hauraki Gulf has been transformed into a unique wildlife experiment, complete with walking trails, heritage buildings and even holiday homes.

Rotoroa Island was once a facility to recovering alcoholics and addicts, but has since undergone an incredible transformation into a bold, new wildlife experiment With the help of …Read More: New Zealand: Conservationists Transform Private Island into Unique Wildlife Experiment


New Zealand: Government Steps in to Save Island Sanctuary

Great Barrier Island - Photo Courtesy of

The New Zealand Government has moved a step closer to securing the future of one of Auckland’s most historic sanctuary’s after a placing a bid for the Kotuku Peninsula on Great Barrier Island.

An 80 ha nature sanctuary has been saved from the threat of development after the New Zealand Government stepped in with …Read More: New Zealand: Government Steps in to Save Island Sanctuary

Governments buying Islands

Canada: Nova Scotia’s Unclaimed Islands Return to Public Hands

Catalone Lake - Photo Courtesy of

When land in Nova Scotia has no known owner, the property in question is listed as “owner unknown” within the Province’s land registration database. But what does this mean?

Catalone Lake – Photo Courtesy of

When land in Nova Scotia has no known owner, the property in question is listed …Read More: Canada: Nova Scotia’s Unclaimed Islands Return to Public Hands


Nova Scotia: Last Call for Private Island Owners in Cape Breton

Catalone Lake - Photo Courtesy of

Do you own any islands in Catalone Lake, Cape Breton County? If so, you’ve got until June 26 2015 to let the Department of Natural Resources know before it claims them for the Crown

Catalone Lake – Photo Courtesy of

A series of small islands in Cape Breton have been …Read More: Nova Scotia: Last Call for Private Island Owners in Cape Breton

Governments buying Islands

Canada: Nova Scotian Conservation Group Adds New Island to Protected Area

Squid Island - Photo Courtesy of Vladi Private Islands

The Mahone Islands Conservation Association is celebrating bringing another island into public ownership, with Squid Island forming the latest addition to their ever-expanding protected area.

Squid Island – Photo Courtesy of Vladi Private Islands

With the help of the Province of Nova Scotia, the Mahone Islands Conservation Association (MICA) has succeeded …Read More: Canada: Nova Scotian Conservation Group Adds New Island to Protected Area

Governments buying Islands

Canada: British Columbian Province Moves Closer to Resolving Contentious Private Island Claim

Grace Islet - Photo Courtesy of John Cameron, via

The Province of British Columbia is close to brokering a deal to protect Grace Islet – a tiny private island currently at the center of a storm surrounding a First Nations aboriginal title claim.

Grace Islet – Photo Courtesy of John Cameron, via

Just over a month after insisting that …Read More: Canada: British Columbian Province Moves Closer to Resolving Contentious Private Island Claim