Friday, October 11, 2024

Governments buying Islands

Update: Governments and Conservancies Acquiring Private Islands Worldwide

Goat Island - Photo Courtesy of Mahone Islands Conservation Association

Following up on his recent letter about the future of the private island market, Farhad Vladi has provided Private Island News with a comprehensive list of private islands which have made their way into public hands.

Goat Island – Photo Courtesy of Mahone Islands Conservation Association

Hundreds of …Read More: Update: Governments and Conservancies Acquiring Private Islands Worldwide

Governments buying Islands

Canada: Nova Scotia’s Unclaimed Islands Return to Public Hands

Catalone Lake - Photo Courtesy of

When land in Nova Scotia has no known owner, the property in question is listed as “owner unknown” within the Province’s land registration database. But what does this mean?

Catalone Lake – Photo Courtesy of

When land in Nova Scotia has no known owner, the property in question is listed …Read More: Canada: Nova Scotia’s Unclaimed Islands Return to Public Hands