Saturday, July 27, 2024

Breaking Island News

Greece: A New Era of Private Island Glamour? Celebrities Party on Skorpios Island

A new era of private island glamour has begun on Skorpios. Beyoncé, Rihanna and even Prince Albert of Monaco join island owner Ekaterina Rybolovleva for the party of the year.

Skorpios Island – Image Copyright Farhad Vladi

Indelibly marked by the legacy of Aristotle Onassis, few private islands have succeeded …Read More: Greece: A New Era of Private Island Glamour? Celebrities Party on Skorpios Island

Breaking Island News

Greece: Private Island Forms Part of Record Breaking Divorce Settlement

Billionaire island-owner Dmitry Rybolovlev has found himself embroiled in the world’s most expensive divorce – will Skorpios have a part to play in the settlement?

Skorpios Island – Image Copyright Farhad Vladi

A gripping six-year saga finally reached its dramatic conclusion earlier this week, as Dmitry Rybolovlev, the billionaire owner of …Read More: Greece: Private Island Forms Part of Record Breaking Divorce Settlement

Breaking Island News

Greece: Question Marks Surround Sale of Skorpios Island

Skorpios Island

The sale of the Greek island of Skorpios is to be reviewed by the Greek Legal Council to ensure compliance with the terms of former owner Aristotle Onassis’ will.

Skorpios Island

The widely reported sale of Skorpios Island is to be placed under judicial review after doubts were cast over …Read More: Greece: Question Marks Surround Sale of Skorpios