Friday, February 7, 2025

Island Gossip

Worldwide: Part 2 - The Truth about Celebrity-Owned Private Islands

Continuing our two-part series on the private islands of the stars, Private Island News uncovers the truth about celebrity island ownership; do you know how many of these oft-repeated rumors are true, and which ones are just entertaining fictions?

(Tagamago Island in Spain)

Cristiano Ronaldo – Deserta Island, …Read More: Worldwide: Part 2 – The Truth about Celebrity-Owned Private Islands

Island Market

Bahamas: Wealthy Investors Fuel the Booming Exumas

With the 2008 credit crisis now just a memory for many of America’s richest, a remote island chain in the celeb-beloved Bahamas is experiencing a real estate boom.

(Image of Leaf Cay from VPI)

A rising tide may be said to lift all ships, but when it comes to …Read More: Bahamas: Wealthy Investors Fuel the Booming Exumas