Friday, January 24, 2025

Island Issues

UK: Are You Tough Enough for Island Living?

A resettlement program aimed at helping adventurous types live on some of the United Kingdom’s most isolated islands is proposing a character test for applicants. 

(Islands in The Outer Hebrides)

The idea of living on a remote island may conjure up images of a relaxing, peaceful seaside paradise, …Read More: UK: Are You Tough Enough for Island Living?

Islands sold

Scotland: Island of Taransay has new owner

Taransay beach

The Scottish island of Taransay, in the Outer Hebridies, has finally been sold to the co-founder and CEO of Equateq, a New Zealander by the name of Adam Kelliher, for more than GBP 2 million, according to an article in the British daily, The Telegraph.

…Read More: Scotland: Island of Taransay has new owner