Monday, September 16, 2024

Breaking Island News

Europe: Could This Artificial Island Help Boost Wind Energy?

Wind energy is plentiful but hard to store for the future, so engineers have come up with an innovative solution that makes use of a man-made island.

(Image from the office of Minister Vande Lanotte)

The choppy waters of the North Sea have no small abundance of blowing gales – …Read More: Europe: Could This Artificial Island Help Boost Wind Energy?


South Pacific: Tiny Tokelau Becomes Most Energy-Efficient County on Earth

The small Polynesian territory has achieved its outside ambitions of becoming even more than carbon-neutral, by slashing fossil fuel use and developing renewable energy sources.

(A small tropical island in Tokelau)

For the last decade, fears that rising seas would swamp the …Read More: South Pacific: Tiny Tokelau Becomes Most Energy-Efficient County on Earth


USA: Larry Ellison Reveals Plans for Lanai Island Eco-Laboratory

The founder of the high-tech company Oracle has announced his eco-friendly intentions for Lanai Island in Hawaii, which he purchased this summer from fellow billionaire David Murdock.

(Landsat Image of Lanai Island)

The 3000-odd residents of Lanai Island have been waiting with baited breath to see what entrepreneur Larry …Read More: USA: Larry Ellison Reveals Plans for Lanai Island Eco-Laboratory


Asia: Jeju Island Hosts Successful World Conservation Congress

A small resort island in Korea is considered one of the world’s most important conservation zones, making it a perfect host for a star-studded international meeting of conservationists.

(Beautiful Jeju Island, South Korea)

A biosphere reserve, a World Natural Heritage site, and a “global geopark” – no other place …Read More: Asia: Jeju Island Hosts Successful World Conservation Congress

Island Issues

South Pacific: Islanders Await Hillary Clinton at Pacific Islands Forum

The government of the tiny Cook Islands is busy preparing for an unusually high-ranking guest at this week’s Pacific Islands Forum – including having to borrow SUVs from residents.

(Rarotonga image from

With 15 diverse member states scattered over the vast South Pacific, the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) …Read More: South Pacific: Islanders Await Hillary Clinton at Pacific Islands Forum


Worldwide: Sustainability is the Future for Small Islands

At a recent meeting of the Commonwealth Heads of Government, Seychelles president James Michel made a strong case for a sustainable future.

(Image Courtesy of the United States Africa Command)

The Indian Ocean nation of the Seychelles is a place of beauty and luxury; small private island resorts commanding …Read More: Worldwide: Sustainability is the Future for Small Islands