Monday, February 10, 2025


Chinese Marine Surveillance Forces Complete Patrol of Disputed Paracel Island Archipelago

Not famed for a great track record when it comes to environmental concerns, the People’s Republic of China embarked on an unlikely environmental mission earlier this week, in a plan to bolster the sensitive ecology of the disputed Paracel Islands.

Chinese Marine Surveillance (CMS) troops were deployed to the region in order to …Read More: Chinese Marine Surveillance Forces Complete Patrol of Disputed Paracel Island Archipelago

Governments buying Islands

Asia: Will Cooler Heads Prevail in the China/Japan Island Dispute?

The controversy over who owns the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands has been in the spotlight for months, but a recent incident suggests things are truly heating up. 

(The East China Sea islands claimed by Japan and China)

Just five islets and a few rocky outcroppings in the East China Sea – for such …Read More: Asia: Will Cooler Heads Prevail in the China/Japan Island Dispute?

Governments buying Islands

Asia: The Story Behind the Disputed Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands

Leaving aside the politics of Asia’s most hotly contested island territory, just what are the essential facts to know about this small group of privately-owned isles?

(The remote East China Sea islands)

To the Chinese, they are the Diaoyu Islands, while the Japanese have long regarded them …Read More: Asia: The Story Behind the Disputed Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands

Governments buying Islands

Asia: Japan Raises 1 Billion Yen to Buy Senkaku Islands

The Governor of Tokyo has a simple solution for maintaining control over hotly disputed islands also claimed by the Chinese and Taiwanese governments – just buy them!

(The disputed Senkaku Islands, in the East China Sea)

It may be surprising that a few isolated snippets of land could cause …Read More: Asia: Japan Raises 1 Billion Yen to Buy Senkaku Islands

Governments buying Islands

Asia: Japan Mulls Purchase of Disputed Private Islands

Tokyo’s governor recently said that he was in negotiations with the owner of three islands that fall within rich fishing waters also claimed by China and Taiwan.

(The disputed Senkaku Islands Group)

Shintaro Ishihara, the outspoken and nationalistic governor of Tokyo, is no stranger to controversy, and his latest …Read More: Asia: Japan Mulls Purchase of Disputed Private Islands