Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Island Market

UK: £55,000 Scottish Island Bought for Romantic Burial Site

After being struck with cancer, a teacher from Hertfordshire picked up a small uninhabited isle for a song, intending it to be the last resting place for him and his wife.

(Image of Mackenzie Island by Becky Williamson)

It was on the isle of Avalon, a place of …Read More: UK: £55,000 Scottish Island Bought for Romantic Burial Site

Island Issues

UK: Are You Tough Enough for Island Living?

A resettlement program aimed at helping adventurous types live on some of the United Kingdom’s most isolated islands is proposing a character test for applicants. 

(Islands in The Outer Hebrides)

The idea of living on a remote island may conjure up images of a relaxing, peaceful seaside paradise, but …Read More: UK: Are You Tough Enough for Island Living?


UK: Exploring Scotland's Storied Isles with John Humphries


(John Humphries of Scottish Islands Explorer)

John Humphries, the editor and publisher of the UK’s only magazine devoted exclusively to the beautiful islands of Scotland, joins Private Island News for an interview.

Issued bi-monthly by Ravenspoint Press Ltd., each edition of Scottish Islands Explorer takes readers on an …Read More: UK: Exploring Scotland’s Storied Isles with John Humphries

Island Issues

UK: Private Owner Offers to Give Isle of Scalpay to Residents

The residents of a unique private island in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides have been offered full control of their destiny by their landlord, who inherited the island in 1998.

(Image Courtesy of Bocian & Tusia/Flickr)

Part of the windswept Hebrides archipelago on Scotland’s remote western coast, the 1,600-acre Isle of …Read More: UK: Private Owner Offers to Give Isle of Scalpay to Residents

Islands sold

Scotland: Island of Taransay has new owner

Taransay beach

The Scottish island of Taransay, in the Outer Hebridies, has finally been sold to the co-founder and CEO of Equateq, a New Zealander by the name of Adam Kelliher, for more than GBP 2 million, according to an article in the British daily, The Telegraph.

…Read More: Scotland: Island of Taransay has new owner


Scotland: Archaeologists discover evidence of settlements on a remote island

Boreray and the Stacs

A team of archaeologists have made a very interesting discovery, which suggests that people may have lived on the steep slopes of the small island called Boreray, in the St Kilda archipelago, as far back as the Iron Age, according to an article in the British Daily Mail Online.

…Read More: Scotland: Archaeologists discover evidence of settlements on a remote island