Monday, January 13, 2025

Governments buying Islands

Canada: Family Gives 5 Islands to the Nature Conservancy of Canada

For one Canadian family, a generations-old love of Nova Scotia’s wilderness has translated into a generous gift of their beautiful private islands to the NCC.

(Image Courtesy of

A grouping of five islands along Nova Scotia’s Eastern Shore has …Read More: Canada: Family Gives 5 Islands to the Nature Conservancy of Canada

Governments buying Islands

Canada: Nature Conservancy Pushes For Lake Huron Island Purchase

The Nature Conservancy of Canada is eager to purchase a massive plot of pristine island land from a timber company, but first it will need to finish raising CAD $15.2 million.

(Image by the Nature Conservancy of Canada)

Cockburn Island is a true rarity in Ontario’s celebrated “Cottage Country” …Read More: Canada: Nature Conservancy Pushes For Lake Huron Island Purchase

Governments buying Islands

Canada: Field Naturalists Buy Third Lake Superior Island

Following a recent trend of conserving islands, part of Northern Ontario’s plentiful untouched wilderness has been purchased by a local group devoted to the study of natural areas.

(Image of Bowman Island via

On one of the Thunder Bay Field Naturalists’ hikes amid the wilderness that surrounds Lake …Read More: Canada: Field Naturalists Buy Third Lake Superior Island