Monday, September 9, 2024


Asia: Conservationists Evict Dinosaurs from Island in India

Plans for a replica ‘Jurassic Park’-style attraction on a tropical island in India’s Chilika Lake have been quashed over environmental concerns.

(Chadheihaga Island in Lake Chilika)

Efforts by a well-meaning tourism organization in the Indian district of Odisha have had local environmentalists …Read More: Asia: Conservationists Evict Dinosaurs from Island in India

Island Resorts

Asia: Banyan Tree Bets on Private Island Resort in India

Not only an emerging market in terms of its telecommunications and high-tech industries, the up-and-coming country of India is also creating an eager new class of luxury-loving consumers.

(Courtesy of Banyan Tree Resorts and Hotels)

When it comes to staking out new markets for …Read More: Asia: Banyan Tree Bets on Private Island Resort in India

Island Issues

Indian Ocean: Mauritius Sweetens India Trade Deal with Two Islands

The tiny nation of Mauritius has taken drastic measures to preserve an advantageous relationship with India – the government has offered up two gorgeous tropical isles as a bargaining chip.

(South Agalega Island, Mauritius)

One of the gems of the Indian Ocean, Mauritius is found just to the south …Read More: Indian Ocean: Mauritius Sweetens India Trade Deal with Two Islands


India: Extinct mangrove species discovered on private Indian island

Wetland ecosystem in Kerala, India


Last week an activist from the southern Indian state of Kerala, Mr V.K. Madhusudhanan sighted “ceriops tagal” or yellow mangrove on the 40 acre private island on Puthenthuruthu in Ashtamudi Lake, Kollam District, Kerala, according to an article in the Indian daily The Hindu. Coconut groves and palm trees are dotted around …Read More: India: Extinct mangrove species discovered on private Indian island

Governments buying Islands

India May Take Over Conco Island in Goa for Tourism

The Indian government recently announced that it may acquire and develop Conco Island, a lush isle found just metres away from one  of Goa’s top beaches. However, there may be more to this proposal than meets the eye.

(Image Courtesy of

When it comes to tropical destinations for …Read More: India May Take Over Conco Island in Goa for Tourism

Celebs visiting resorts

Bollywood Star Imran Khan Honeymoons on Private Thai Island

One of the most famous faces in India has chosen an exclusive private island in Thailand for his honeymoon. Are Indians poised to become the next premier luxury consumers?

(Image Courtesy of IANS)

Imran Khan, one of the leading lights of Indian cinema, is reportedly spending his honeymoon on …Read More: Bollywood Star Imran Khan Honeymoons on Private Thai Island