Thursday, December 12, 2024

Breaking Island News

USA: Thousand Islands to Light up the Night on August 14th

In a spectacular nighttime display, on Tuesday, August 14th Singer Castle and surrounding islands on the St. Lawrence River will be ablaze with vivid lights or magically illuminated by searchlight.  

(A Floating World by Paul Malo)

In the glory days of the Thousand Islands, over a century …Read More: USA: Thousand Islands to Light up the Night on August 14th

Breaking Island News

New Island Book: One in a Thousand eBook by Ian Coristine

A renowned photographer in the Thousand Islands has published a unique interactive eBook exploring this picturesque region – including the story of his own charming private island.

(One in a Thousand eBook for the iPad)

For photographer Ian Coristine, capturing the essence of the Thousand Islands region has become …Read More: New Island Book: One in a Thousand eBook by Ian Coristine