Sunday, February 16, 2025

Island Market

Australia: Toogoom Island Auction Set For December 9th

After the previous sale in 2009 failed to complete, a unique island along Queensland’s coast will be going under the hammer in hopes of finding a new buyer.

(Image Courtesy of Scott Wagner)

In 2007, Queensland real estate agent Ken Collingswood was confident – but realistic – about …Read More: Australia: Toogoom Island Auction Set For December 9th

Auction Results

United States: Rat Island Finds a Buyer at $160K

It may have been quite a bit less than the owner had hoped for, but at least this little isle in New York City did sell at Saturday’s auction.

(Rat Island Image from Wikipedia)

Despite the rumours, it doesn’t seem as though Ivanka Trump turned out the October 2nd …Read More: United States: Rat Island Finds a Buyer at $160K

Island Market

United States: Is Ivanka Trump a Buyer for NYC’s Rat Island?

A small patch of land in City Island Harbour is up for auction next month; the island comes with some pitfalls, but there has also been interest from surprising places.

(Image by David Shankbone)

If the auction on October 2nd goes well, the first thing the new owner of …Read More: United States: Is Ivanka Trump a Buyer for NYC’s Rat Island?

Auction Results

Preservation Trust Buys Heavily Discounted Washington State Island

(Image Courtesy of Vendovi Island)

Appraised at over $12M, Vendovi Island’s failed auction in September had a high bid of just $3.3M, and it has now sold for just $6.4M. Have private islands followed the US real estate market downhill?

According to the Wall Street Journal, Washington State’s privately-owned …Read More: Preservation Trust Buys Heavily Discounted Washington State Island


1999 - Your own private paradise

Your own private paradise, by Gary Strauss, USA TODAY, Friday, August 13, 1999

Some Americans these days play Robinson Crusoe in reverse – they’re willing to give everything to get their own island, not leave it. Interest in private islands is peaking, stoked by a brokerage’s TV ad in which a truck driver parlays …Read More: 1999 – Your own private paradise