Saturday, July 27, 2024


USA: Conservation Trust Transforms Island Group into Permanent Public Preserve

The Gosling Islands, Maine - Photo Courtesy of

The wait is over for the Maine Coast Heritage Trust – after several months on the campaign trail, the group has succeeded in transforming 3 uninhabited islands into a permanent public preserve

The Gosling Islands, Maine – Photo Courtesy of

The Maine Coast Heritage Trust (MCHT) has this week …Read More: USA: Conservation Trust Transforms Island Group into Permanent Public Preserve


Pacific: Kiribati Prepares for Climate Change Evacuation, Purchasing Land in Fiji

(Some of Kiribati's tiny islets/Flickr)

Threatened with the prospect of being washed away by rising tides, the President of Kiribati has started buying up land in Fiji as an alternative refuge for his population

(Some of Kiribati’s tiny islets/Flickr)

The President of Kiribati, Anote Tong, has taken action against the growing threat of rising sea levels, …Read More: Pacific: Kiribati Prepares for Climate Change Evacuation, Purchasing Land in Fiji


Indian Ocean: Maldives Private Island Resorts in Fight Against Toxic Trash

Thilafushi Rubbish Island, Maldives - Photo Courtesy of

A small stretch of azure water is all that separates the luxury island resorts of the Maldives and a ticking toxic time-bomb: Thilafushi Trash Island. Private Island News investigates.

Thilafushi Rubbish Island, Maldives – Photo Courtesy of

Planning that once-in-a-life time private island escape? The chances are that the Maldives …Read More: Indian Ocean: Maldives Private Island Resorts in Fight Against Toxic Trash


Worldwide: Increasing Mercury Levels Present Toxic Threat for Marine Life

Mercury Cycle - Photo Courtesy of Women of Water Blog

A recent study of the world’s oceans has confirmed that levels of mercury have tripled since the onset of the industrial revolution, with human activity largely to blame.

Mercury Cycle – Photo Courtesy of Women of Water Blog

The amount of mercury within the world’s oceans has tripled since the onset …Read More: Worldwide: Increasing Mercury Levels Present Toxic Threat for Marine Life


Canada: Canada Purchases 100 East-Coast Private Islands For Nature Protection

Borgles Island - Courtesy of Nova Scotia Nature Trust

The Nova Scotia Nature Trust has announced its intent to create a daring, 46,000 acre protected zone which will protect as many as 100 islands from the threat of development.

Borgles Island – Courtesy of Nova Scotia Nature Trust

The Nova Scotia Nature Trust (NSNT) is celebrating the official launch of …Read More: Canada: Canada Purchases 100 East-Coast Private Islands For Nature Protection


Scotland: Scottish Islands at the Forefront of Renewable Wave Energy Technology

The Oyster - Photo Courtesy of

A series of pioneering renewable wave energy technologies are currently being put to the test within Northern Scotland’s Orkney Islands. Private Island News takes a closer look.

Two Pelamis Machines of the Coast of the Orkney Isalnds – Photo by Colin Keldie at EMEC

The countless islands of Scotland are rarely …Read More: Scotland: Scottish Islands at the Forefront of Renewable Wave Energy Technology


UK: Public Funding for Private Islands? Conservation Plan for Scotland’s Shiant Island

Shiant Island - Photo Courtesy of

European taxpayers are set to bear the brunt of a GBP 450,000 private island pest control operation, as work begins to introduce two rare bird species to Scotland’s Shiant Island.

Shiant Island – Photo Courtesy of

According to recent reports in The Stornoway Gazette, The European Union has earmarked …Read More: UK: Public Funding for Private Islands? Conservation Plan for Scotland’s Shiant Island


USA: Obama Promises to Double the World’s Marine Reserves

Typcial Pacific Ocean Scenery on Toberua Island - Photo Courtesy of Vladi Private Islands

US President Barack Obama has promised to create the world’s largest marine protected area (MPA) in the centre of the Pacific Ocean – with or without the help of the Republicans

Typcial Pacific Ocean Scenery on Toberua Island – Photo Courtesy of Vladi Private Islands

US President Obama has this week …Read More: USA: Obama Promises to Double the World’s Marine Reserves