Thursday, January 23, 2025



Private Island News (PIN) is a website service, which aims to gather and publish news and feature articles, to accurately reflect the state of the global private island market.
The web site will be a news reference point, which informs everyone in the industry about a wide variety of issues affecting the private island world.

PIN will also be available as an App for iPhone.

PIN will cover topics, among others including:

•    Island market trends
•    Market players
•    Top island brokers
•    Interviews with key players
•    What is currently on the market
•    Who the island owners are
•    Island resort business trends
•    Island price tags
•    Interesting stories on individual islands
•    Celebrities and private islands
•    Impact of the last global recession on islands
•    Environmental issues – climate change, solar power and water industries
•    Nature conservancy groups and islands
•    Governments owning islands and their policies for islands
•    Politicians’ views
•    Developing islands
•    Checklist for buying islands
•    Legal issues including island titles and occupancy rights
•    Island literature

The range of subject matter is endless, and PIN will produce objective information giving the pros and cons about the private island world.

Journalists representing North America, Central America, Australia and New Zealand, Singapore and China and the Indian Ocean area will observe and report from their regions.

Scientific experts from the World Future Council ( will write about the impact of the climate change on islands, and how to develop sustainable energy solutions for them.

We will also interview politicians to get an in-depth perspective of government attitudes towards policies about ownership and title for foreigners purchasing islands.

We hope this site will be as enjoyable as it is informative and look forward to receiving your ideas, suggestions and feedback.

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