Friday, July 26, 2024


Canada: Nova Scotia Private Island to Return to Public Hands?

The Mahone Islands Conservation Association has signed a purchase and sale agreement for Bella Island – one of last available private islands in Nova Scotia’s Mahone Bay.

The beautiful Mahone Bay - Photo Courtesy of Rob Garnett at Airscapes

The beautiful Mahone Bay – Photo Courtesy of Rob Garnett at Airscapes

One of the final privately owned islands in Nova Scotia’s picturesque Mahone Bay looks set to return to the public sphere after a purchase and sale agreement was signed by the Mahone Islands Conservation Association (MICA)  just last week.

Subject to a funding drive, it is hoped that the beautiful Bella Island will become the latest beneficiary of the MICA’s mission to protect and conserve the natural environment of the islands and shoreline of Mahone Bay for the benefit of future generations.

24 acres in size and home to several beaches, Bella Island is one of the few islands in Mahone Bay still preserved in its natural state – the main reason as to why the MICA is willing to invest a cool CAD 250,000 into bringing the island back into public ownership.

Thanks to the combined efforts of the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and the MICA itself, CAD 90,000 is already available, leaving a deficit of CAD 160,000 to fill before December 18th 2013, when the deal is due to close.

Set to net CAD 60,000 in one evening alone, a Gala Dinner and Auction is already planned for November 1st, with further special fundraising campaigns planned throughout the coming months sure to add further cash to the coffers.

A heart-felt appeal has also been made to private donors, who have often made the difference in previous MICA acquisitions, such as the acquisition of Andrews Island, Backmans Island, Covey Island and many, many more.

Since its foundation in 2002 the Mahone Island Conservation Association has created a considerable legacy in the Mahone Bay area, raising a sum in the region of CAD 1 million to ensure the conservation and public use of scores of Canadian islands.

For further information about MICA, the acquisition of Bella Island or to make a personal donation, please head over to the Mahone Islands Conservation Association Homepage:

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