Sunday, February 16, 2025

Island Market

Worldwide: Vladi Private Islands Auctions Canadian Island For Just One Dollar!

International island consultancy Vladi Private Islands is embarking on its first ever online island auction – the bidding for Hurricane Hole Island (Canada) starts at just one dollar.

Hurricane Hole Island - Photo Courtesy of Vladi Private Islands

Hurricane Hole Island – Photo Courtesy of Vladi Private Islands

International island brokerage company Vladi Private Islands has officially opened the bidding on its first ever island auction. As of August 27th 2014, island lovers all over the world have been logging into the online auction house eBay in order to place their offers on the picturesque Hurricane Hole Island in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Despite being at the forefront of the private island market for over 40 years now, the online auction of Hurricane Hole Island forms a first for Farhad Vladi, the founder of international island consultancy Vladi Private Islands. Of the more than 2,500 certified island sales completed by the company since its formation in 1971, not one island has been sold via auction – so far.

All this looks set to change on Friday 26th September, when – after 30 days of frantic bidding – the company’s first ever online auction officially ends. Bidders are advised to mark the date in their calendar and set an alarm clock – the digital gavel will be sounded at precisely 04:13:25 Pacific Daylight Time (11:13 Greenwich Mean Time) as the auction comes to its dramatic conclusion.

With the starting price set to just USD 1, the auction has understandably already attracted a lot of interest across the private island community. Indeed, at the time of going to press (just over a week after the bidding began); Private Island News can confirm that the price has already sky-rocketed from USD 1 to an incredible USD 15,660.00.

Hurricane Hole Island - Photo Courtesy of Vladi Private Islands

Hurricane Hole Island – Photo Courtesy of Vladi Private Islands

The island in question – the 6 acre Hurricane Hole Island – can be found tucked away in Isaac’s Harbour (Nova Scotia), along Canada’s picturesque Atlantic Coast. Despite its misleading moniker, there’s no danger of adverse weather on this angler’s paradise. Indeed, the island was in fact once a popular place to cast anchor – a safe harbour for the local fishing communities of Guysborough County.

Interestingly, the island also played an important role in the Nova Scotian gold rush of the 19th century and even formed home to a gold mine. These days, the island is covered in dense woodland and boasts a series of beautiful beaches and bays.At low-tide, the island is connected to a nearby mainland peninsula. From here, the well-paved Marine Drive road connects guests to the nearby fishing villages of Goldboro and Isaac’s Harbour before eventually leading on to the provincial capital, Halifax.

To place your bid now, head over to the official eBay page: Hurricane Hole Auction

Have your say: Will you be taking part in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bid your way to private island bliss? Be sure to keep an eye on Private Island News for all the latest updates on this exciting auction.

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